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Thursday, August 7, 2014

[Fanfiction] INTIMACY - Chapter 9

Chapter  9

Clara held Marina, playing with strands of her hair and thinking. Before, when she thought about finally giving in to Marina, she imagined she'd regret it, that she would feel weird. But no. She was immensely happy. She kissed her head. Clara pulled back slightly, shifting so that she could look at her face. Marina looked like an angel, and she wanted time to stop, so they didn’t have to be apart again.

She thought about what had happened. About that smile when Marina heard that she wasn’t the only one with feelings. About that kiss full of love. She smiled, involuntarily, touching her face.

She saw her commitment ring and thought of Cadu, her husband. She tried to pick a time when she was so happy with him. Of course they were very happy all those years, but she didn’t remember such a simple moment with him that had brought her so much happiness. A tear went down her face. Tears of happiness. She sealed her lips on Marina’s, and felt her smile.

- Sorry. - She smiled too. - It wasn’t supposed to wake you up.

- If it is to wake me up this way Clarinha, it can be at any time. – She smiled. - Is everything okay? - She noted the tears and wiped them. – Did you regret it? – Marina was worried.

- No, of course not. It's alright, Marina. - She smiled, showing her how much it was true.

Marina smiled relieved. - I can’t believe I fell asleep.

- You looked tired.

- I haven’t slept well lately.

Clara took her hand apologetically.

Marina held her hand. – What is on your mind?

- Trying to figure out when you changed my life this way.

Marina smiled. - For me, it happened the moment I saw you arriving at the exhibition.

Clara smiled.

- Since then, all I can see is you. - Marina caressed her face.

Clara touched and kissed the palm of her hand, returning the affection.

- I have to go now, though. Gotta pick Ivan up. – She got up, releasing Marina’s hand.

- See you later?

Clara smiled back and turned away.

- Clara, wait. - Marina went to her and pulled her chin for another brief kiss. – I’ll see you later.

They hugged and Clara sighed before leaving.

- Look at that smile. - Vanessa began. - It doesn’t even look like the same Clara from earlier today.

- I’m not. - Clara replied smiling and walked away leaving Vanessa curious and jealous. She saw Marina with the same smile on the stairs.

- May I ask what happened?

- No. – Marina smiled. - You may not. But soon you’ll know. Have you had lunch?

- Of course. I’d starve to death if I waited for you to get tired of your Clarinha. – She said ironically.

- I’m glad you know that. I'll go fix anything to eat.

- Marina ..

- Not even your bad mood will get to me today, Van - She kissed her cheek and left.


- Here, Ivan! - Clara called Ivan, who ran to hug her.

- What took you so long, mom? I’m starving.

- Me too, little man. Let's run to your aunt Helena. – Get in the car.

- Did something happen, mom?

- No, Ivan ... why do you ask, son?

- You look happy. You’re shining. – He said kidding.

- Nothing happened. – She smiled.

- You were with Marina, weren’t you?

- What? – Her eyes widened. – Of course I was, Ivan. I work with her.

- Yeah, I know, and you always come back happy.

Clara looked at Ivan wondering if she was so transparent that even her son could see how Marina made ​​her happy.

She cleared her throat. - I really like Marina, kid.

- Me too, she has such a big house. – He used his arms to show the size. - We should go there to swim in her pool more often.

Clara laughed.

Once they finished lunch, Clara kidnapped her sister to the room.

- Clara, wait. – She laughed. - My God, what is it? What happened?

Clara locked the door and came close to Helena with a huge smile and shining eyes.

- She kissed me, sister. – Clara covered her mouth, like one does after telling a secret, blushing.

Helena's eyes widened.

- Marina kissed you? Tell me, how did this happen?

- I left home meaning to talk to her. You were right, I had to undo that misunderstanding, and she was so devastated. I couldn’t stand seeing her sad like that because of me and because of a lie. Oh, sister. I can’t bear losing her for good, you know? I was so scared. Not to mention she has Vanessa around her all the time. – Clara was clearly annoyed.

- Wait? But, you told her truth? And that Vanessa, did she do something?

Whenever she thought of the redhead, Clara remembered the dream.
- Forget her. Yes, I said it. – She was excited. – I said I'm madly in love with her.

Helena was impressed.

- And what did she say?

- She gave me that wonderful smile of hers. Oh, Helena, you have to agree with me. Marina owns a smile and a gaze that could melt anyone.

- She really does look at you in an intense way, a hot way. – Helena laughed and waved. - But, then what? How is it to kiss a woman? – She asked curiously.

- How it is to kiss any woman I wouldn’t know. But to kiss Marina ... – sighed, passionately – I knew it would be – She searched for words. – It’s impossible to describe, I've never felt so loved with just one simple kiss. It was much better than I ever thought it would. It was ... I'm in heaven. – She laughed.

- I can see that. My sister, I've never seen you so happy.

- I don’t know if I've ever been so happy. I mean, of course I've always been happy, with you, with Cadu, with Ivan’s birth. But .. but that's a different kind of happiness, you know? It's a happiness that belongs to me and her only.

Helena smiled looking at her sister. – Really? Marina really did stir you up.

- So much. – She smiled.

- Sorry to interrupt the dream. But, what now, Clara?

Her smile faded. - I don’t know. My God, this is all so complicated. - She buried her face on her hands. – I don’t know what to do.

- Apparently, the decision was already made. Now you just need to act, and it seems to me that the right thing to do now is talk to Cadu. I know I said I wouldn’t give you this kind of advice, that I’d let you guide your own life. But, this happiness that I'm seeing right here, Clara ... - pointed to her sister – You don’t give up this kind of happiness. - Clara smiled again and put a hand on her shoulder. - Choose to be happy, my dear. – She hugged her.


Clara had barely stepped into the studio and Marina was already holding her hand pulling her inside.

- Come see, Clarinha! - They sat on the couch. Marina opened a catalog of photos and handed it to her.

They were the pictures from the lingerie session. Clara, who was smiling before with Marina’s excitement, got lost in the first photo. She couldn’t help but stare. After a while, she touched the picture and felt her other hand being held by Marina.

- You don’t like it?

- Are you serious? - She looked at her smiling. - Marina, they are wonderful. I don’t have words, I can only stare. - She smiled, looking back at the photos. Suddenly, she looked up again and said seriously. - You are so beautiful.

Marina smiled placing a strand of hair behind Clara’s ear. She wanted to feel her lips again. And why not? She knew Clara wouldn’t mind. She leaned slowly, seeing Clara smile. Clara felt her heart pound in anticipation.

- Marina. – They were interrupted by Vanessa. They backed away quickly.

- The models are here and I'll send them in. – She left.

Marina smiled that Clara's face couldn’t hide her disappointment and irritation with the redhead. She kissed her forehead and stood up.

Vanessa left the room not believing the scene she had just seen. They were almost kissing.

- Come on, girls, Marina is in a hurry. – Vanessa was angry.

The rest of the day was pretty busy, and they didn’t get another moment alone before it was Clara’s time to go home.

- Marina, I have to go. Call me later?

- Come here. - Marina looked around making sure there was nobody else in the room. She pulled Clara by her arm to an overwhelming kiss, putting her other hand on her waist. Clara felt her knees go weak. When their lips parted, Clara remained close to her, trying to catch her breath and open her eyes.

- You're impossible, you know? Now what? How can I leave? - She said kissing the corner of the photographer’s mouth.

Marina smiled and kissed her cheek. - I'll call you. Kiss the kid for me. - She went back to work.


  1. What a way to start the morning smiling like an idiot! Lovely chapter, and Bia, thank you for keeping us 'fed' on this addiction.

    1. I love all this affection between them and I am also with a goofy smile after I finish reading the fics kkkkkkk

  2. Hi Bia, thanks for the wonderful story at my lunch time here. What a nice time to relax. :-)

    1. It's goog, is not it?
      I always have a fanfic in my cell phone to read in my spare time. ;)

  3. After a stress full day at my work….this made my day…

    Thank you B, for another wonderful story…LOVE LOVE LOVE


    1. Love Clarina = goofy grin and no stress \o/

  4. And it's so juicy I have to read the line twice when something is said that is unexpected from clarina oh my I'm loving every line.


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