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Saturday, July 26, 2014

[Fanfiction] INTIMACY - Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Clara was about to leave the studio when Vanessa called.

- Clara, on Oct. 26th you don't need to come to work. Marina will not make photo shoots that day, she has other plans. - Vanessa left without further explanations.

The next few days passed quickly. Clara was happy to be working again, even happier to be working with her.

"I really missed you, Clarinha. So much". She remembered  Marina's words and her sad smile. It was a relief to see her everyday again. "Me too, Marina. So much". She thought. It wasn't healthy to nurture that feeling, but it made her feel so good. Marina's companionship was addictive, and when home alone she thought of her all the time. Clara knew what was happening, she wasn't so naive, but she didn't want to admit it. She couldn't. She was still a married woman. Wait, "still"? How long did she think that her current routine could not be forever? How come "still"?

- Oh, Marina! - Clara sighed. She was the one to blame for all this mess she was feeling. But that didn't make Clara annoyed, no. She felt like the luckiest woman in the world to have a woman like her, so wonderful, so beautiful and so ... Clara hesitated. Even in thoughts she repressed herself.

- I feel fortunate to have a woman like Marina who does everything for me, that's just it. - She thought.

She was curious to know Marina's other plans on Oct. 26th, but  avoided asking. To Marina, of course. To Flavinha, it didn't matter.

- Hey, Flavinha, do you know what Marina will do next week? Vanessa said that I don't need to come.

- Oh yeah, you won't believe it. Marina was invited to a photo shoot. As a model. - Flavinha laughed, excited. - She will be posing. She'll reverse the roles for a day. This studio will be on fire! We're all very excited about it.


It was 6:30 am and she was getting ready to take her son to school and not be late for the studio.

- Ivan, come on my son, we'll be late!

- I'm coming, mommy!

- Have you packed your materials? What day is today?

- 26th, mommy. And, yes.

26th. Clara wasn't supposed to go to work that day. And that thought was enough to discourage her. A day without seeing Marina. That shouldn't bother her, but it does. Clara bites her bottom lip, thinking.

On the way back from Ivan's school Clara barely paid attention on traffic, imagining Marina posing. She remembered Marina posing for her. The faces and the seductive look.

- You know what? They won't need me to work, but no one said I couldn't watch it!

Half an hour later, Clara arrives at the studio and the session had already begun.

- Perfect choice, Marina! You are a great model. - Said the photographer. Marina replied with a small smile as she continued posing. Clara couldn't get past the door. When she saw Marina, everything stopped. Her mind stopped, her body, her eyes. She didn't react. Only her heart pounded in her chest. And butterflies did laps in her stomach. It was a photo shoot of lingerie. Marina was perfect, sensual, beautiful. Clara felt her mouth go dry and decided to enter. The room was full, and she was in a quiet corner, she didn't want Marina to see her. She just wanted to keep watching.

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